
Hard copies

Annual publications vary and subscription costs depend on the number of journals being published in the given year.
2019 – 1 issue (20€)
2020 – 1 issue (20€)
2021 – 1 issue (20€)
Prices quoted for hard copies include ordinary postage, with the addition of €4.63 for registered postage if requested.
The postal time to receive the first issue is about four weeks from receipt of payment for ordinary shipping, one week from receipt of payment for registered shipping.


Not available at the moment.

Institutional Subscriptions

Hard copies

Annual publications vary and subscription costs depend on the number of journals being published in the given year.
2019 – 1 issue (40€)
2020 – 1 issue (40€)
2021 – 1 issue (40€)
Prices quoted for hard copies include ordinary postage, with the addition of €4.63 for registered postage if requested.
The postal time to receive the first issue is about four weeks from receipt of payment for ordinary shipping, one week from receipt of payment for registered shipping.


Not available at the moment.


Payment by bank transfer made to Thélema – Scuola di Psicanalisi Freudiana.
IBAN (Banca Intesa): IT 34 E 030 6909 6061 0000 0162395

Upon payment, a regular electronic invoice will be issued.